Friday, September 19, 2008

Just bloggin' . . .

Not a lot of new things are happening with us, thank God! I'm not sure I want any new activities as I can hardly keep up with the regular ones. As I have said, (I think) in an earlier blog, Dafne and Noel are attending Bible School in Independence. The logistics of just getting them there and getting them home keep us all hopping and certainly makes for family team work! They are doing well, as far as I know. Dafne is keeping very busy with deputation services, singing in the girls' trio and choir. I haven't been priveledged to hear them yet, but I hear they sound good together, so that is good. I have prayed that God would help Dafne to use her musical talent to His glory and I'm glad she is. Noel is jogging along--you know how it is in middle school/junior high; not quite old enough to do some things, but way too old for other things! He is having a little harder time getting used to IBS because in his old school they were already changing classrooms and teachers for every class and he misses that. He also misses football. There is just no way to have him be involved in a league some where and make all the practices and games with them going 60 miles away to school. Mandie and Bruce are continuing with wedding plans and having so much fun! We are eagerly anticipating Scott, Bianca and Wyatt moving back to Oklahoma. It seems like a dream and I guess I haven't let myself get too excited because I just can't believe that we will be within driving distance of that sweet little man (Wyatt, not Scott! Just joking, Scott!) It will be wonderful to share Sunday lunch sometimes and just be closer.
I have a prayer request to share with everyone. The Rio Grande has flooded in Presidio, TX and Ojinaga, Chih, Mexico, effecting the area that we have worked in. Some of the houses in Ojinaga are submerged with flood water and I know that there is great need. Please pray for them and also for us that we will find an open door to be able to help. Manuel would love to take some supplies down to those who are in need and I would love to go with him. It would take a lot of finances as well as my boss "volunteering" my time, but God is able. Please pray with us to that end, as God leads.
Well, maybe I will have some more pictures soon.
Hasta luego!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Floridian Kids

If you want to see some truly precious pics of my grandson, I refer you to his mommy's blog at Isn't he just so cute???? (I'm finally getting in to the "Grandma" thing. Although I still keep forgetting to take my "brag book" with me wherever I go. However, that doesn't stop me from bragging on the little squirt!

St. Louis

St. Louis

More pics from my trip.

St. Louis

Right after August camp meeting I went to St. Louis for a work related Conference. I was there from Monday through Thursday evening and had a great time. My hotel was beautiful and was in the old St. Louis Union Train station. All expenses were paid and the food was wonderful. Here are some shots of some of the things that impressed me. A co-worker from Shreveport had never seen the arch, so that was fun to take her there. I got some of these shots close to the arch as the sun was beginning to go down. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

God's Promise

As Mandie and I were coming from work the other evening this rainbow appeared and she got the shot of it. Aren't you glad that no matter what the day holds or what difficulties we go through, God is always there and His promises are everlasting? I am.

More Birthday Pics

Mandie made this beautiful fall centerpiece and Dafne had the artistic touch to the salad! Love my kids!!!! Our guests were Manuel's Aunt Reymunda, Uncle Leo, Rudy (their son), Rigo (another son) and his little girl, Alicia. We had a wonderful evening!

My Hubby's Birthday Celebration!

We had his family who live in the area over on Saturday evening, August 30, for dinner. His birthday was actually on Labor Day this year. Here are some picture of the evening. Some of these are the kids, fooling around. Dafne is in her favorite position-laying down, eating and on the phone! Wonder who she was talking to this time?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Obviously I didn't get my pictures posted on Monday, however I didn't say which Monday I would do it, so since I also missed yesterday . . . .! :-) We had a great Labor Day weekend, pretty much surrounding my husband's birthday. We had a great time on Saturday evening with his family who live close, his uncle, aunt, three cousins, and Bruce who got home from Joe David Davolt's wedding just in time for dinner! Great timing! :-) Sunday we had more company. Colin Knight and his pretty little fiancee, Faith, were at our house for Sunday lunch and we enjoyed that so much! I was reminded again of how great a guy Colin is as he shared funnies with us and we could see the depth of his love for his family whenever they came up in the course of the conversation. That always touches my mother heart when I see a kid showing such love for his parents and siblings! (Especially when his parents are some of our very best friends!) Congratulations, once again, Colin and Faith! Monday was totally a "vegging out" day. None of us did much at all, which was incredibly lazy, I guess, but then on the other hand it was a holiday! So, it's back to work and I feel energized to get my week's work done in four days!
I'll try to get pictures on here between now and Friday! Hasta luego!