Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's--What would we do without them?

I have already posted an entry that is about my children's father and my husband, but I would like to add some words about three other special fathers in my life. Our son-in-law, Scott, is celebrating his first father's day this year! I want to tell him how much we appreciate his love and care for our daughter and grandson! He has been so special to us and I have loved him from the first time that he was introduced to us. He is honest, caring, sensitive and very straight forward in his thinking. There are no hiddens or curves in his character. I believe that he loves God and has every intention of raising his family to do the same. I've told him more than once that I love him for who he is and what he represents in our family!

My own father is beyond hearing of my words, but I would love to hug him and tell him once again that I love him! He was the very epitamy of goodness and right, safety and security to his family. He truly was the hub of our family wheel and we miss him so much! I was Daddy's girl, spoiled and probably a pain to my sisters! We didn't always get everything that we wanted, but we knew that our needs would be supplied! Daddy was fun loving and loved a good joke or prank! He wasn't so excited about it when it was on the receiving end, though! I remember the last time that I hugged my daddy. He and Mother were in Mexico, tending to the mission work through an interpretor while we did a short furlough in the states. Right before we pulled away we told Mother and Daddy good-bye and I remember hugging him and just not wanting to let go. I think that my senses told me that I wouldn't see him again. Daddy was a great cook, disciplinarian, pastor, and it seemed like he could fix just anything! Daddy, I know you are in Heaven and I will meet you there, by God's help!

The other father in my life, my father-in-law, has just left us this past January and we miss him! I told him a few times that I no longer had a daddy, and he would have to be my daddy. He was a unique man, much like his son, but his heart was so good! His aspect to many was tough and uncaring, but he cared deeply for his family and wanted the best for them. He and my mother-in-law were notorious for their fusses, but in the end he adored her! He had a small variety store at his house for years before he got sick and he would sell anything from propane, to gasoline, ice cream to potatoes, shampoo, paper supplies and whatever, all crammed into the little one roomed store, probably not much bigger than most peoples' utility rooms. He was truly the patriarch in the family and what he said was law to us! When he first got sick, our dear friend, Daniel Luna, went to the hospital to pray for him and the Lord moved on him. His life was changed after that, although he didn't say much about it, tears flowed at times and his demeanor was softened by the love of God. When we heard that he was gone, it was unbelievable and we were so sad. Yes, we miss him very much! I would say to my father-in-law, my suegro, I called him, "Hasta la manana cuando encontremos otra vez en la Gloria!"

1 comment:

Bianca said...

I am glad that you love Scott! That is always a plus! I was reading about Grandpa and Abuelito, I miss then so much. I wish I could have been around Abuelito more after he got saved!