Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Binky!

This picture is from last July, but it's what I have on hand, so it will serve the purpose! Happy Birthday, Bianca! This is a day late, but we enjoyed having you "home" so much on your birthday yesterday! That's a first in I don't know how many years! You are a wonderful daughter, a great sister, an organized and loving wife and a precious mommy to our little grandson! You have been a blessing in our lives for 26 years, from the moment that we saw you first and Daddy said, "That's my little Bianquita, isn't it!" He especially remembers the colic filled nights that followed, but through it all, you have been our special blessing, occupying the sometimes great and sometimes unpleasant place as the "oldest"! I always know you will tell me the truth when I need your advise and we love you so much! Thank you for everything you have done for us and for shouldering the load many times, when your little shoulders weren't very big, but you saw something that needed doing! We're proud of you!
Love and prayers,

1 comment:

Diane said...

Happy Birthday Binky! Glad you all made it safe and sound back to OK.