Thursday, April 23, 2009

Another pictureless up-date!

Sorry! Still no pictures! So many things have happened in the last couple of weeks that I feel like I am spinning! One of my ornery cousins (if you are reading this, Scott, you know who you are!) once told me that my head was like one of those things that are on top of buildings for ventilation; you know, those round things that spin around with the wind? I have really related to that lately and am thinking that being on a roof might be easier than down where the hub bub of daily activities are! Okay, so I really don't want to be a roof vent! Just kidding!

We are still not completely unpacked. I worked on about 4 boxes or maybe 5 last night and this morning and it took me about 2 hours (at least)! I have to go through everything and either find a place for it, put it in the rummage sale pile, trash it, or put it in the Goodwill pile. In addition to all that, I have to record in detail whatever I find that is damaged by the fire or by smoke! Detail, meaning what it is; model number; description; where I got it; when I got it; and how much it cost originally! No wonder my head is spinning! Then there is Mandie's wedding coming up one month from today! I am so not ready emotionally for that. I can't stand the thought of her moving away from home! I realize that this is God's plan for her and Bruce and would never stand in their way, but I hope I make it through the wedding on just a few kleenex! Oh, and just to complicate matters a little more! Noel is in the heat of his baseball season and while we are seeing some positive results from his interaction with his coach and the discipline of being on the team, getting him to and from practice and games is tough! But, to brag a little (forgive me!) he is a great first baseman and has helped win several of the games. The other evening he got two people out on the same play! Maybe some of you don't see that it is an important thing, but his games are free, he's playing against other kids his age, the games are kept "clean" as far as language, ect. and it is teaching him responsibility and discipline to keep commitments. Whatever I have to do for my children is not a waste of time. One day they will be away from home and I will miss this! (Really? Did I just say that? Lol) Okay, enough said about my "problems" and the wonderful rat race of being an involved mom! It seems like no time at all that we were getting ready for Binky's wedding, and I now realize that the next few years will fly by as well and we will be thinking, "It seems like just a little while ago that we had Mandie's wedding and now we are planning Dafne's!" Okay, that's just way too out there to even think about! So I will think about jumping in my van in about 25 minutes, heading to Independence from Tulsa to pick up Dafne and Noel and getting Noel to Bartlesville by 5:00 pm for pregame practice. Then I will probably look for a convenient cave or hole to hide in, leaving my cell phone in my van, to wait until 6:00 at which time I need to be the "cheering mom"! I laughed the other night at my own self, after his game, because I am always afraid he won't make it to base before he gets out and I heard myself hollaring as loud as I could, "Run, Noel, run!" I told him later that he should be glad I said "Noel" instead of "Forest" (which might not mean anything to some of you!) Oh, well, I will take my laughs as they come and try to keep laughing. This morning I was sorting out a box and found a book that I got somewhere entitled "When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Start Laughing"! Hmmmm! Wonder if it tells what to laugh at and if I should make a priority list of my laughable moments, pull them out when it gets too overwhelming and then laugh? I have absolutely gone on enough, but thank you for listening. I needed desperately to talk to someone who could just listen today, so you were chosen and I feel better, so now. . . . . off to my van for my wild ride!

P.S. I can now count my boxes, so I think I really am making headway. I have 17 ( I think) in my bathroom and about 10 in the utility room! Whoo hoo!


Vicki said...

Enjoyed your post....I can understand completely....well, not about the wedding stuff,but trying to get everything done. Plus the emotional ride when you unpack stuff. Thanks for sharing. It brightened my day :)

Anonymous said...

I feel for ya!!!!!!! Hang in there! Love Pam Schaper

Sheila Kay said...

Sounds like Scott! lol Well, I was sick of hearing my whirlly thing on the shed squeaking everytime the wind blew. It finally blew the top (with the wind blowing so hard)and I found it in the ditch.. So, its good your venting! I have to tell myself, It will get better. But this week is one of those weeks. We took a hundred steps backwards instead of forwards... Enjoyed your post! Take care

Brenda Marquez said...

Thanks for your comments! It really helps to share! I love this blogging world. I wouldn't call you up, probably, and vent, but just sitting here by myself in my office, I can find relief in sharing with my friends. Sheila, are you all done yet with your house. I had forgotten that you are in a different place, too. I hate moving! Does anyone like it? I doubt it!

Sheila Kay said...

No, we haven't moved. I hate moving! I never thought we would move again! Dalton wanted to move and I told him we wouldn't move, but he would have to talk to God about it and so here we are. Almost all of the outside/garage things are already moved. Dad is about done with the wiring. There is just so much to do fixing up an old house. This week has been "shot in the foot". Jon hit a cow on 10th street Monday night. Totalled the truck. Life goes on... Well, we didn't plan on buying/looking for another vehicle at this time, but God knows best. Thankfully, Jon wasn't hurt. I don't know when we will move either. We have 2 houses up for sale, but no offers. I love the farm. It is so peaceful and relaxing. No one is around! I usually spend my days out there. I get behind at the house we live in. Oh well. Don't mean to bore ya with my ramble. I have Caitlin til 6am. Hope you get a lot done tomorrow!