Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy (Late) Fathers' Day!

I thought about putting this post on here Monday, but forgot! Sorry! I just wanted to mention some of the dads in my life and say Happy Fathers' Day!

To my husband of 28 years: Manuel, thank you for being the wonderful father that you are to your children. As I read Mandie's blog entry to you today, I realized for the first time how valuable the lesson that you have taught your children is. I have wondered many times why you didn't just do things for them, and sometimes thought you should have, and no doubt have told you so many times, but I realized today that they have become stronger, more ready to think for themselves and more independent by learning from you. Thank you for that. If it were up to me, our children would probably be hopelessly spoiled. You truly practice "tough love". Many nights, when the children were babies, you would get up in the night and care for them. You laid them against your tummy when they had colic. You never, that I can ever remember, complained that they were crying too much or not letting you sleep. We have recently had our 28th anniversary, and while sometimes we still don't agree (okay, maybe I should say, sometimes we actually do agree!), we have stood together through all these years and that is something to be proud of and thankful for! We have taught our children that you "find a way, when there doesn't seem to be one". God knew what He was doing when He picked you out for me. Thank you for being the best father that my children could ever have!

And to my Daddy and my Suegro: I miss you both so much! Losing you both was so painful, the hub in the middle of the wheels of both families is missing! We know that you are both waiting in Heaven for us and that makes it worth while! I hope you are spending time together up there and just relaxing! You both worked so hard down here and it's time to rest! Daddy, thank you for always being able to fix anything that was broken, for praying for all of us, for not being afraid to tell us when you thought we needed to do something different, for cooking for us, for spoiling me, for always making sure we had the "right" vehicle, (although I still remember being a little upset about you selling my car without my permission--although you turned right around and put that money into a brand new (wrecked and rebuilt) car for me and made several additional payments for it), for preaching the truth, for showing us that the path well traveled is not always God's will for us and for teaching us to have courage to be what we are! I love you, Daddy! Thank you so much for everything! I'll see you "in the morning"! Suegro, the pain of your going is still fresh to us, and I can't stand the thoughts of passing your house in Mexico and not seeing you on the front porch! I will never forget the first time I saw you, you laughed and said something that I couldn't understand. I will always wonder what you said! After we moved back to the US, when we would pull up in your driveway, I remember you looking out at the truck, seeing the recognition dawning on your face when you recognized Manuel's truck, and then your smile when you saw that your daughter-in-law was with him! You would say, "Mira quien viene!" Thank you for teaching your son tough love. And, to you, I will say, "Hasta la manana!"

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sorry, I got my post a little backwards. The narrative is at the bottom and the pics at the top! Oh, well! What can I say???

My weekend

Dafne and some of her friends saying good-bye as we get ready to head back to Oklahoma.
Debbie Madigan and her girls, Caitlin, Lauren and Erin.
Me with my friends.

The three girls in my hotel room.

Miss Caitlin, the oldest! Isn't she cute? Actually all of them are!

Thanks, Deb, for the fun day and for lunch and dinner! Next time it's on me!!! :-)

I had a really great weekend and I hope that you did, too! I had the privilege of taking 2 of the 3 girls who sing in the IBS ladies' trio to Troy Camp to represent the school. I also had the privilege of spending time with a dear, dear friend of mine on Saturday. I hadn't seen her for probably 15 years?? and had never met her precious girls, ages 12, 11, and 9. We had a wonderful day. She and her girls went to camp with me for the 6 o'clock service and stayed to hear the girls sing in the 7:30 service. I'll include some pictures that I took of Debbie and her girls.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Finally, pictures of part of our new house!

Dresser in the master bedroom. Master bedroom.
Some of my nurse figurine collection didn't survive the fire, but these are a few of my favorite ones, All God's Children, as well as the little "Florence Nightengale" lamp that was given to my mother when she graduated from nursing school.

We got this electric fireplace at an auction and we really like it.

Our room.

This candle holder is interesting to me. I bought the wooden part from someone on Craig's List and was told that it was originally a Piloncillo mold. Piloncillos are cone shaped hard pieces of something like brown sugar that is widely used in traditional deserts in Mexico. I added a few other things to it and have an interesting centerpiece for the dining room table. My mom made each of her girls a cross stitch before she died and we all treasure them. Mine says something like Happiness is in doing what you enjoy doing best and doing it with joy in your heart or words to that effect. It was severely damaged in the fire, but I was able to salvage it and reframe and mat it. It's "battle scars" just make it more precious to me.
This is a Southern Living at Home item that I bought from my niece, Robyn's yard sale. Binky had the inspiration to put candles and fruit in it, and I have it on my food bar.

Just another shot into the entry way. Sorry, there are a lot of pics. Hope you aren't bored!

Our piano made it through the fire with little damage, but it wasn't a sentimental piece for me, so when I saw this piano on Craigslist, I fell in love with it. It's history is that it is approximately 150 years old and was brought over on a ship from England. The old radio on the left of the piano was purchased from an auction and the clock and harp were also.

A beautiful piece of furniture that we purchased at an auction. It has lots of storage! Standing in the dining room and shooting toward the front door, into the living room.
Living room.

Our front door. We hope it is welcoming and inviting to our guests.

More pics

Table in the entry way. I took this shot to show you the basket under the table. Maybe everyone does this, but I never had before. My kids wear flip flops a lot and they end up all around the front door. I put this basket here for the flip flops and occassional pair of tennies that get left at the front door and it makes for a much neater entryway!Hooks and a welcome sign behind the front door.

As you know, the name of my blog is "Mi Casa is Su Casa". Mandie bought me the taller figurine who's inscription is "Mi Casa". Of course it landed in my entry way. Then after I got home from her wedding, I found the small one holding a sign that says, "Miss you!" What a sweet girl I have~~~really three sweet girls!

So this is the whole shot of the entry way table.

This is standing in the family room looking into the kitchen. As you can see the walls are not finished. Eventually they will have the Tuscan texture and glaze like the dining room and breakfast nook. Our son-in-law, Scott, does a wonderful job with textures and he is in the process of finishing this project.

more house pics

This is the family room and our fireplace that will one day bear the stamp of my husband's masonry skills! I can't wait! I know it will be beautiful! He is very busy right now working on the outside of the house, getting the masonry work completed there, so I know he will get it done soon! This is a shot standing in the hall and looking into the family room and the entry way in the distance.

Standing on the other side of the family room and shooting back into the room. This is , of course the couch, but I love the wall art that I put there, beside the "nature" picture. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" That is truly our desire.

This is the dividing wall between the family room and the living room, standing with my back to the kitchen. This is an oil painted canvas that I got at an auction for a wonderful price and I love the tranquility of the scene, plus it goes with our Tuscan theme.

more pics of our house

Finally I have some pictures to share with you of our new house. The picture just below shows about half of the dining room (to the left) and the breakfast nook, which is enclosed in the pillars. This picture is a shot of the breakfast nook looking into the kitchen.
This is the breakfast nook looking into the dining room.

Dining room.