Monday, June 1, 2009

This candle holder is interesting to me. I bought the wooden part from someone on Craig's List and was told that it was originally a Piloncillo mold. Piloncillos are cone shaped hard pieces of something like brown sugar that is widely used in traditional deserts in Mexico. I added a few other things to it and have an interesting centerpiece for the dining room table. My mom made each of her girls a cross stitch before she died and we all treasure them. Mine says something like Happiness is in doing what you enjoy doing best and doing it with joy in your heart or words to that effect. It was severely damaged in the fire, but I was able to salvage it and reframe and mat it. It's "battle scars" just make it more precious to me.
This is a Southern Living at Home item that I bought from my niece, Robyn's yard sale. Binky had the inspiration to put candles and fruit in it, and I have it on my food bar.

Just another shot into the entry way. Sorry, there are a lot of pics. Hope you aren't bored!

Our piano made it through the fire with little damage, but it wasn't a sentimental piece for me, so when I saw this piano on Craigslist, I fell in love with it. It's history is that it is approximately 150 years old and was brought over on a ship from England. The old radio on the left of the piano was purchased from an auction and the clock and harp were also.


Diane said...

You can't have too many pictures as far as I'm concerned Brenda! Thanks for posting these...I've been anxiously waiting.

Your home is fabulous!! Loved that piano. I'm happy good was able to come out of the bad.

Brenda Marquez said...

Thank you! The piano desperately needs to be tuned, so you wouldn't enjoy playing it right now, but one of these days you'll have to come down and play it for me!