Thursday, October 16, 2008

This trunk is a very funny find from the flea market and probably my cheapest bargain, as far as money goes. I was walking around the market (outdoors) one Saturday and saw this trunk sitting with a bunch of other old looking stuff that was borderlining on junk. I love old trunks and have bought one for Mandie and Binky both, years ago. Dafne doesn't have one, though, so I was thinking of her. The hinges were okay and it was intact, so I went in search of the owner. He quoted me $5.00 for the trunk and I counter offered $1.00. He accepted and then I went to find Manuel so he could load it. When he saw it he started laughing and said, "Honey, I could have gotten that for free last week because it was in the trash. I guess someone pulled it out!" Oh, well, the laugh was worth the dollar. We got it home and I cleaned it up, put some scratch cover all over the top of it and stored some of Dafne's stuff in it and then used it for a coffee table in the family room. I love it. I may have to look for another trunk for Dafne later!!!!!


Bianca said...

Love the trunk, by the way, I bought my own! You bought the cedar chest! LOL

Brenda Marquez said...

Whatever!!!! Did you read your email?

Arthur and Jessica said...

OOO, I LOVE trunks! I've been keeping an eye out for an affordable trunk. Maybe next time I'm in the area, I'll have to head to Tulsa. ;-)